Have Your Say
Compliments, Suggestions & Complaints
We strive to give the best possible care and treatment to our patients, and if you receive good treatment, please tell us!
All patients will be treated with respect, kindness and dignity, irrespective of ethnic origin, religion or cultural beliefs. We believe in continuity of care and you will be registered with a named doctor who will assume responsibility for overseeing your needs.
If, for whatever reason, you are not happy with any service we provide we would love to hear from you. Please ask at reception as to how to put your concern in writing. Your comments are valuable to us and will only help us to improve the quality of care and the service we provide.
Patient Participation Group (PPG)
As a practice we value our patients’ opinions on how our practice is run.
We have a Patient Participation Group and welcome input from patients.
If you are interested in helping us please ask to speak to the Practice Manager.
We also have a Virtual Patients’ Group to help us complete surveys a couple of times a year. We send questionnaires by email for completion online and if this is something you would like to help us with please ask to speak to the Practice Manager.
Family & Friends Test (FFT)
We would like your feedback on the care or treatment we give you any time you visit your GP or have contact with the practice. It doesn’t take long, visit our new FFT kiosk (located at the entrance of the surgery), or fill out the form here …
Put us to the test and tell us what is working and what we can improve. You can say what you think without giving your name and we will use the information to plan improvements to our services.